December 11, 2024

Katerine Vallejo Quiceno, Research Scientist Associate III

Katerine Vallejo Quiceno

Katerine Vallejo Quiceno is working as a Research Scientist Associate III for TexNet. Katerine Vallejo Quiceno is a Colombian geologist who graduated from the University of Caldas in Manizales, Colombia. She earned her master's in Geosciences from the State University of Campinas in São Paulo, Brazil, focusing on Landslides and Debris Flows Susceptibility Assessment.

With a professional background in seismology, Katerine has monitored earthquakes of different sources, including volcanic, tectonic, and induced. She has worked at two seismological institutions at the Colombian Seismological Network; she prepared, processed, and interpreted seismological data for seismicity analysis, including establishing a seismological baseline within a region engaged in activities associated with the exploration and production of hydrocarbons. At the Seismological Center at the University of São Paulo, she monitored potential induced seismicity resulting from mining operations in the country.

Beyond her academic and professional pursuits, she enjoys walking with her dog Lulú, eating pasta, riding her bike, and connecting with people from diverse cultures.

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