Strategic Plan 2023

Mission and Vision
The Bureau of Economic Geology was established in 1909. We are an internationally respected scientific research organization in the Jackson School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin, and the State Geological Survey of Texas.
Our funding is raised primarily via grants and contracts from governments, industry, and foundations. We employ a highly diverse, international staff of scientists, engineers, and economists who work globally and collaborate extensively with colleagues in universities, geological surveys, national labs, industry, government agencies, think tanks, and beyond.
Our mission is to serve society by conducting objective, impactful, and integrated geoscience research on Earth resources, energy, the environment, and economics.
Our vision is to be a trusted scientific voice to academia, industry, government, and the public, whom we serve.
At the Bureau of Economic Geology, we are
- Objective
- Respectful
- Innovative
- Impactful
- Collaborative
- Inclusive
The following high-level Objectives honor our Values and will help us to accomplish our Mission and realize our Vision.
- Earn and maintain an international reputation as an innovative and impactful scientific research institution working at the confluence of energy, Earth and planetary resources, the environment, and economics
- Enhance the stature, resilience, and economic success of the State of Texas through objective, collaborative and integrated geoscience research and public outreach
- Promote the understanding of the importance and role of the Earth sciences in public discourse and decision-making
- Provide a supportive, respectful, healthy, and inclusive environment that attracts and retains diverse, high-quality talent
- Ensure long-term viability and impact through evolving, sustainable and diverse funding
- Develop and maintain collaborative alliances and relationships across government, industry, academia and non-governmental organizations
The following Goals will support the accomplishment of our Objectives. Each Goal has associated tactics and metrics with key individuals assigned to lead. Goals will be reviewed and updated annually, and results measured and shared.
- Goal 1: Develop innovative and transformative research opportunities
- Goal 2: Enhance our culture of rainmaking
- Goal 3: Attract, develop, support, and retain our people throughout their careers
- Goal 4: Publish world class peer-reviewed research
- Goal 5: Engage the public in the geosciences
- Goal 6: Distill and disseminate impactful research
- Goal 7: Create new partnerships
- Goal 8: Leverage Bureau materials and facilities for program development and external access
- Goal 9: Improve the archiving, curation, accessibility, use and leveraging of data and historical information