November 2021
Kenneth Edwards to take the reins as the 3rd Floor Administrative Associate
Please congratulate the Bureau’s new 3rd floor Administrative Associate, Kenneth Edwards! We are excited to have someone so knowledgeable about the Bureau in this role, and he is equally excited about taking on this new position.
Kenneth started with the Bureau in October, 2008, as a Store Clerk working in the Core Research Center warehouse. In August, 2011, former Facilities Manager George Bush retired, and Kenneth moved across the street to Building 130 and became a Technical Staff Associate handling Bureau vehicles and building needs. When not at the Bureau, he can be found browsing records or at one of the surrounding greenbelts enjoying green space.
Dr. Mahdi Haddad formally joins the Bureau as its newest Research Associate
New Bureau Research Associate Dr. Mahdi Haddad graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 2017 with a Ph.D. in petroleum engineering, and he has a background in reservoir geomechanics. Previously, Mahdi worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow for three years on TexNet-CISR consortium projects, DOE-funded hydraulic-fracture mapping, and CO2 monitoring projects focused on the Devine test site for one year. Mahdi’s SPEJ publication on improved interpretation of microseismicity through 3D finite-element fracture-intersection models earned him the 2018 Cedric K. Ferguson Medal from SPE International. He received his BS degrees in mechanical and petroleum engineering in 2007, and his MS degree in mechanical engineering in 2009, from Sharif University of Technology in Iran, after which he moved to Texas for his PhD studies. In his leisure time, Mahdi enjoys jogging, swimming, gardening, and cooking Persian cuisine.