Peer-Reviewed Publications - 2017
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BEG Peer-reviewed Papers
Abolt, C. J., Young, M. H., and Caldwell, T., 2017, Numerical modelling of ice-wedge polygon geomorphic transition: Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, v. 28, no. 1, p. 347-355,
Afsharpoor, A., Javadpour, F., Wu, J., Ko, L.T., and Liang, Q., 2017, Network modeling of liquid flow in Yanchang shale: Interpretation, v. 5, no. 2, p. SF99-SF107,
Ambrose, W. A., Dutton, S. P., and Loucks, R. G., 2017, Depositional systems, facies variability, and their relationship to reservoir quality in the Jurassic Cotton Valley Group, Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi onshore Texas Gulf Coast: GCAGS Journal, v. 6, p. 21-46.
Anderson, J. S., Romanak, K. D., Yang, C., Lu, J., Hovorka, S. D., and Young, M. H., 2017, Gas source attribution techniques for assessing leakage at geologic CO2 storage sites: Evaluating a CO2 and CH4 soil gas anomaly at the Cranfield CO2-EOR site: Chemical Geology, v. 454, p. 93-104,
Arciniega-Esparza, S., Breña-Naranjo, J. A., Hernández-Espriú, A., Pedrozo-Acuña, A., Scanlon, B. R., Nicot, J.-P., Young, M. H., Wolaver, B. D., and Alcocer-Yamanaka, V. H., 2017, Baseflow recession analysis in a large shale play: Climate variability and anthropogenic alterations mask effects of hydraulic fracturing: Journal of Hydrology, v. 533, p. 160-171,
Bai, T., Tsvankin, I., and Wu, X., 2017, Waveform inversion for attenuation estimation in anisotropic media: Geophysics, v. 82, no. 4, p. WA83-WA93,
Bassant, P., Janson, X., van Buchem, F., Gurbuz, K., and Eris, K., 2017, Mut Basin, Turkey: Miocene carbonate depositional styles and mixed systems in an icehouse setting: AAPG Bulletin, v. 101, no. 4, p. 533-541,
Baumhardt, R. L., Schwartz, R. C., Jones, O. R., Scanlon, B. R., Reedy, R. C., and Marek, G. W., 2017, Long-term conventional and no-tillage effects on field hydrology and yields of a dryland crop rotation: Soil Science Society of America Journal, v. 81, no. 1, p. 200-209,
Bergel, S. J., Carlson, P. E., Larson, T. E., Wood, C. T., Johnson, K. R., Banner, J. L., and Breecker, D. O., 2017, Constraining the subsoil carbon source to cave-air CO2 and speleothem calcite in central Texas: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 217, p. 112–127,
Carr, D. L., and Rhatigan, C. H., 2017, Chapter 6: Field-scale example of a potential CO2 sequestration site in Miocene sandstone reservoirs, Brazos Block 440-L Field, in Trevino, R. H. and Meckel, T. A., eds., Geological CO2 sequestration atlas of Miocene strata, offshore Texas state waters: Austin, Tex., Bureau of Economic Geology, Report of Investigations, no. 283, p. 47-56,
Carr, D. L., Wallace, K. J., Nicholson, A. J., and Yang, C., 2017, Chapter 5: Regional CO2 static capacity estimate, offshore Miocene saline aquifers, Texas state waters, in Trevino, R. H. and Meckel, T. A., eds., Geological CO2 sequestration atlas of Miocene strata, offshore Texas state waters: Austin, Tex., Bureau of Economic Geology, Report of Investigations, no. 283, p. 37-46,
Caudle, T., and Paine, J. G., 2017, Applications of coastal data collected in the Texas High School Coastal Monitoring Program (THSCMP): Journal of Coastal Research, v. 33, no. 3, p. 738-746,
Chen, X., Eichhubl, P., and Olson, J. E., 2017, Effect of water on critical and subcritical fracture properties of Woodford shale: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 122, no. 4, p. 2736-2750,
Chen, X., Gao, S., Kianinejad, A., and DiCarlo, D. A., 2017, Steady-state supercritical CO2 and brine relative permeability in Berea sandstone at different temperature and pressure conditions: Water Resources Research, v. 53, no. 7, p. 6312-6321,
Cheng, Y., Zhu, H., Zeng, H., Liu, Q., and Zhu, X., 2017, Differential source-to-sink system analysis for three types of stepped terrains in China: Interpretation, v. 5, no. 4, p. ST1–ST9,
Cihan, A., Birkholzer, J. T., Trevisan, L., Gonzalez-Nicolas, A., and Illangasekare, T. H., 2017, Investigation of representing hysteresis in macroscopic models of two-phase flow in porous media using intermediate scale experimental data: Water Resources Research, v. 53, no. 1, p. 199–221,
Clewley, D., Whitcomb, J. B., Akbar, R., Silva, A. R., Berg, A., Adams, J. R., Caldwell, T. G., Entekhabi, D., and Moghaddam, M., 2017, A method for upscaling in situ soil moisture measurements to satellite footprint scale using random forests: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, v. 10, no. 6, p. 2663-2673,
Coleman, A. J., Jackson, C. A-L., and Duffy, O. B., 2017, Balancing sub- and supra-salt strain in salt-influenced rifts: implications for extension estimates: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 102, p. 208-225,
Colliander, A., Jackson, T. J., Bindlish, R., Chan, S., Das, N., Kim, S. B., Cosh, M. H., Dunbar, R. S., Dang, L., Pashaian, L., Asanuma, J., Aida, K., Berg, A., Rowlandson, T., Bosch, D., Caldwell, T. G., and others, 2017, Validation of SMAP surface soil moisture products with core validation sites: Remote Sensing of Environment, v. 191, p. 215-231,
Covault, J., Kostic, S., Paull, C., Sylvester, Z., and Fildani, A., 2017, Cyclic steps and related supercritical bedforms: building blocks of submarine fans and canyon-channel systems, western North America: Marine Geology, v. 393, p. 4-20,
Daigle, H., Hayman, N. W., Kelly, E. D., Milliken, K., and Jiang, H., 2017, Fracture capture of organic pores in shales: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 44, p. 2167-2176,
Decker, L., Merzlikin, D., and Fomel, S., 2017, Diffraction imaging and time-migration velocity analysis using oriented velocity continuation: Geophysics, v. 82, no. 2, p. U25-U35,
Degré, A., van der Ploeg, M. J., Caldwell, T. G., and Gooren, H. P. A., 2017, Comparison of soil water potential sensors: A drying experiment: Vadose Zone Journal, v. 16, no. 4, 8 p.,
Dooley, T. P., and Hudec, M. R., 2017, The effects of base-salt relief on salt flow and suprasalt deformation patterns — Part 2: Application to the eastern Gulf of Mexico: Interpretation, v. 5, no. 1, p. SD25-SD38,
Dooley, T. P., Hudec, M. R., Carruthers, D., Jackson, M. P. A., and Luo, G., 2017, The effects of base-salt relief on salt flow and suprasalt deformation patterns — Part 1: Flow across simple steps in the base of salt: Interpretation, v. 5, no. 1, p. SD1-SD23,
Duffy, O. B., Fernandez, N., Hudec, M. R., Jackson, M. P. A., Burg, G., Dooley, T. P., and Jackson, C. A-L., 2017, Lateral mobility of minibasins during shortening: Insights from the SE Precaspian Basin, Kazakhstan: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 97, p. 257-276,
Duffy, O. B., Nixon, C. W., Bell, R. E., Jackson, C. A-L., Gawthorpe, R. L., Sanderson, D. J., and Whipp, P. S., 2017, The topology of evolving rift fault networks: single-phase vs multi-phase rifts: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 96, p. 192-202,
Dutton, S. P., Ambrose, W. A., Horodecky, B. B., and Loucks, R. G., 2017, Regional trends in diagenesis and reservoir quality of Jurassic Cotton Valley sandstones, northern Gulf of Mexico Basin: GCAGS Journal, v. 6, p. 47-62.
English, J. M., and Laubach, S. E., 2017, Opening-mode fracture systems: insights from recent fluid inclusion microthermometry studies of crack-seal fracture cements, in Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R., and Welch, M. J., eds., Geomechanics and Geology: London, Geological Society, Special Publications, v. 458, p. 257-272,
Fernandez, N., Duffy, O. B., Hudec, M. R., Jackson, M. P. A., Burg, G., Jackson, C. A-L., and Dooley, T. P., 2017, The origin of salt-encased sediment packages: observations from the SE Precaspian Basin (Kazakhstan): Journal of Structural Geology, v. 97, p. 237-256,
Flaig, P. P., Hasiotis, S.T., and Fiorillo, A. R., 2017, A paleopolar dinosaur track site in the Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Prince Creek Formation of Arctic Alaska: track characteristics and probable trackmakers: Ichnos, v. 24, p. 1-13,
Fu, Q., Ambrose, W. A., and Barton, J. W., 2017, Reservoir characterization of the Pennsylvanian Caddo Limestone in Stephens County, Texas: a case study of Komia-dominated algal mounds: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 86, p. 991-1013,
Ghanbarian, B., and Javadpour, F., 2017, Upscaling pore pressure-dependent gas permeability in shales: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 122, p. 2541-2552,
Gherabati, S. A., Hughes, R. G., White, C. D., and Zhang, H., 2017, A large scale network model to obtain interwell formation characteristics: International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, v. 15, no. 1, p. 1-24,
Gherabati, S. A., Takbiri-Borujeni, A., and Hughes, R. G., 2017, Heterogeneity quantification in waterfloods using a multiphase network approach: Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, v. 40, p. 299-311,
González-Nicolás, A., Trevisan, L., Illangasekare, T. H., Cihan, A., and Birkholzer, J. T., 2017, Enhancing capillary trapping effectiveness through proper time scheduling of injection of supercritical CO2 in heterogeneous formations: Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, v. 7, no. 2, p. 339-352,
Goudarzi, A., Almohsin, A, Varavei, A., Taksaudom, P., Hosseini, S. A., Delshad, M., Bai, B, and Sepehrnoori, K., 2017, New laboratory study and transport model implementation of microgels for conformance and mobility control purposes: Fuel, v. 192, p. 158-168,
Hackley, P. C., Zhang, L., and Zhang, T., 2017, Organic petrology of peak oil maturity Triassic Yanchang Formation lacustrine mudrocks, Ordos Basin, China: Interpretation, v. 5, no. 5, p. SF211-SF223,
Haddad, M., and Sepehrnoori, K., 2017, Development and validation of an explicitly coupled geomechanics module for a compositional reservoir simulator: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 149, p. 281–291,
Haddad, M., Du, J., and Vidal-Gilbert, S., 2017, Integration of dynamic microseismic data with a true 3D modeling of hydraulic-fracture propagation in the Vaca Muerta Shale: Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, v. 22, no. 6, p. 1714–1738,
Harris, R., and Major, J., 2017, Waves of destruction in the East Indies: the Wichmann catalogue of earthquakes and tsunami in the Indonesian region from 1538 to 1877, in Cummins, P. R., and Meilano, I., eds., Geohazards in Indonesia: Earth science for disaster risk reduction: London, Geological Society, Special Publications, v. 441, p. 9-46,
Hentz, T. F., Ambrose, W. A., and Hamlin, H. S., 2017, Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian shelf-to-basin facies architecture and trends, Eastern Shelf of the southern Midland Basin, West Texas: Bureau of Economic Geology, Report of Investigations, no. 282, 68 p.
Hessler, A. M., Zhang, J., Covault, J., and Ambrose, W. A., 2017, Continental weathering coupled to Paleogene climate changes in North America: Geology, v. 45, no. 10, p. 911-914,
Hu, S., Zhao, W., Xu, Z., Zeng, H., Fu, Q., Jiang, L., Shi, S., Wang, Z., and Liu, W., 2017, Applying principal component analysis to seismic attributes for interpretation of evaporite facies: Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation, Sichuan Basin, China: Interpretation, v. 5, no. 4, p. T461–T475,
Huang, D., 2017, Dynamics of intracontinental convergence between the western Tarim basin and central Tien Shan constrained by centroid moment tensors of regional earthquakes: Geophysical Journal International, v. 208, p. 561-576,
Huepers, A., Torres, M. E., Owari, S., McNeill, L. C., Dugan, B., Henstock, T. J., Milliken, K. L., and 26 additional co-authors, 2017, Release of mineral-bound water prior to subduction tied to shallow seismogenic slip off Sumatra: Science, v. 356, p. 841-844,
Ikonnikova, S., Male, F., Scanlon, B. R., Reedy, R. C., and McDaid, G., 2017, Projecting the water footprint associated with shale resource production: Eagle Ford Shale case study: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 51, no. 24, p. 14453-14461,
Ilgen, A. G., Heath, J. E., Akkutlu, I. Y., Bryndzia, T. L., Cole, D. R., Kharaka, Y. K., Kneafsey, T. J., Milliken, K., Pyrak-Nolte, L. J., and Suarez-Rivera, R., 2017, Shales at all scales: exploring coupled processes in mudrocks: Earth-Science Reviews, v. 166, p. 132-152,
Imani, M., Chen, Y.-C., You, R.-J., Lan, W.-H., Kuo, C.-Y., Chang, J.-C., and Rateb, A., 2017, Spatiotemporal prediction of satellite altimetry sea level anomalies in the tropical Pacific Ocean: Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, v. 14, no. 7, p. 1126–1130,
Islam, A., and Sun, A. Y., 2017, A theory-based simple extension of Peng–Robinson equation of state for nanopore confined fluids: Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, v. 7, no. 4, p. 1197-1203,
Islam, A., and Sun, A. Y., 2017, Detecting CO2 leakage around the wellbore by monitoring temperature profiles: a scoping analysis: International Journal of Thermal Sciences, v. 118, p. 367–373,
Jeong, H., and Srinivasan, S., 2017, Fast selection of geologic models honoring CO2 plume monitoring data using Hausdorff distance and scaled connectivity analysis: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, v. 59, p. 40-57,
Jobe, Z. R., Sylvester, Z., Bolla Pittaluga, M., Frascati, A., Pirmez, C., Minisini, D., Howes, N., and Cantelli, A., 2017, Facies architecture of submarine channel deposits on the western Niger Delta slope: implications for grain-size and density stratification in turbidity currents: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, v. 122, p. 473-491,
Jobe, Z. R., Sylvester, Z., Howes, N., Pirmez, C., Parker, A., Cantelli, A., Smith, R., Wolinsky, M. A., O'Byrne, C., Slowey, N., and Prather, B., 2017, High-resolution, millennial-scale patterns of bed compensation on a sand-rich intraslope submarine fan, western Niger Delta slope: GSA Bulletin, v. 129, no. 1-2, p. 23-37,
Karimi, P., Fomel, S., and Zhang, R., 2017, Creating detailed subsurface models using predictive image-guided well-log interpolation: Interpretation, v. 5, p. T279-T285,
Kerans, C., Zahm, C., Garcia-Fresca, B., and Harris, P. M., 2017, Guadalupe Mountains, West Texas and New Mexico: key excursions: AAPG Bulletin, v. 101, no. 4, p. 465-474,
Kim, S. B., van Zyl, J. J., Johnson, J. T., Moghaddam, M., Tsang, L., Colliander, A., Dunbar, R. S., Jackson, T. J., Jaruwatanadilok, S., West, R., Berg, A., Caldwell, T. G., Cosh, M. H., Goodrich, D. C., Livingston, S., López-Baeza, E., Rowlandson, T., Thibeault, M., Walker, J. P., Entekhabi, D., Njoku, E. G., O' Neill, P. E., and Yueh, S. H., 2017, Surface soil moisture retrieval using the L-band synthetic aperture radar onboard the soil moisture active-passive satellite and evaluation at core validation sites: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, v. 55, no. 4, p. 1897-1914,
Kim, S., and Hosseini, S. A., 2017, Study on the ratio of pore-pressure/stress changes during fluid injection and its implications for CO2 geologic storage: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 149, p. 138-150,
Klokov, A., and Hardage, B. A., 2017, Seismic characterization and monitoring of a deep CO2 storage reservoir with 3D VSP using direct shear waves: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 155, p. 109-119,
Klokov, A., Treviño, R. H., and Meckel, T., 2017, Diffraction imaging for seal evaluation using ultra high resolution 3D seismic data: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 82, p. 85-96,
Ko, L. T., Loucks, R. G., Ruppel, S. C., Zhang, T., and Peng, S., 2017, Origin and characterization of Eagle Ford pore networks in the south Texas Upper Cretaceous shelf: AAPG Bulletin, v. 101, no. 3, p. 387-418,
Ko, L., Loucks, R. G., Milliken, K., Liang, Q., Zhang, T., Sun, X., Hackley, P. C., Ruppel, S. C., and Peng, S., 2017, Controls on pore types and pore-size distribution in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China: implications for pore-evolution models of lacustrine mudrocks: Interpretation, v. 5, no. 2, p. SF127–SF148,
Kolassa, J., Reichle, R. H., Lui, Q., Cosh, M. H., Bosch, D. D., Caldwell, T. G., Colliander, A., Holifield-Collins, C., Jackson, T. J., Livingston, S. J., Moghaddam, M., and Sparks, P. J., 2017, Data assimilation to extract soil moisture information from SMAP observations: Remote Sensing, v. 9, no. 11, 24 p.,
Krishnamurthy, P. G., Senthilnathan, S., Yoon, H., Thomassen, D., Meckel, T., and DiCarlo, D., 2017, Comparison of Darcy's law and invasion percolation simulations with buoyancy-driven CO2-brine multiphase flow in a heterogeneous sandstone core: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 155, p. 54-62,
Lambert, J., Loucks, R. G., and McDaid, G., 2017, Three-dimensional characterization of cave networks using photogrammetry: example from Longhorn Cavern, Central Texas: GCAGS Journal, v. 6, p. 63-72.
Landry, C. J., Prodanovic, M., and Eichhubl, P., 2017, Comment on Xu et al., 2017: AIChE Journal, v. 63, no. 10, p. 4717-4718,
Lei, Z., Tsai, C., and Kleit, A. N., 2017, Deregulation and investment in generation capacity: evidence from nuclear power uprates in the United States: The Energy Journal, v. 38, no. 3, p. 113-137,
Li, Y. F., Zhang, T., Ellis, G. S., and Shao, D., 2017, Depositional environment and organic matter accumulation of Upper Ordovician–Lower Silurian marine shale in the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 466, p. 252-264,
Liu, M. X., Xu, X. L., Xu, C. H., Sun, A. Y., Wang, K. L., Scanlon, B. R., and Zhang, L., 2017, A new drought index that considers the joint effects of climate and land surface change: Water Resources Research, v. 53, no. 3262-3278, p. 3262-3278,
Long, D., Pan, Y., Zhou, J., Chen, Y., Hou, X., Hong, Y., Scanlon, B. R., and Longuevergne, L., 2017, Global analysis of spatiotemporal variability in merged total water storage changes using multiple GRACE products and global hydrological models: Remote Sensing of Environment, v. 192, p. 198-216,
Loucks, R. G., and Patty, K., 2017, Vadose diagenetic dissolution textures, cementation patterns, and aragonite and Mg-calcite alteration in the Holocene Isla Cancún Eolianite aragonitic ooids: modern analog for ancient ooid-grainstone pore networks: GCAGS Journal, v. 6, p. 1-20.
Loucks, R. G., Frébourg, G., and Rowe, H. D., 2017, Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Ozan and Annona Chalks in Caddo-Pine Island Field, northwestern Louisiana: depositional setting, lithofacies, and nanopore/micropore network: GCAGS Journal, v. 6, p. 73-91.
Loucks, R. G., Kerans, C., Zeng, H., and Sullivan, P. A., 2017, Documentation and characterization of the Lower Cretaceous (Valanginian) Calvin and Winn carbonate shelves and shelf margins, onshore northcentral Gulf of Mexico: AAPG Bulletin, v. 101, no. 1, p. 119-142,
Loucks, R. G., Ruppel, S. C., Wang, X., Ko, L., Peng, S., Zhang, T., Rowe, H. D., and Smith, P. L., 2017, Pore types, pore-network analysis, and pore quantification of the lacustrine shale-hydrocarbon system in the Late Triassic Yanchang Formation in the southeastern Ordos Basin, China: Interpretation, v. 5, no. 2, p. SF63-SF79,
Lu, J., Carr, D. L., Treviño, R. H., Rhatigan, J.-L. T., and Fifariz, R., 2017, Chapter 3: Evaluation of lower Miocene confining units for CO2 storage, offshore Texas state waters, northern Gulf of Mexico, USA, in Trevino, R. H. and Meckel, T. A., Geological CO2 sequestration atlas of Miocene strata, offshore Texas state waters: Austin, Tex., Bureau of Economic Geology, Report of Investigations, no. 283, p. 14-25,
Lu, J., Darvari, R., Nicot, J.-P., Mickler, P., and Hosseini, S. A., 2017, Geochemical impact of injection of Eagle Ford brine on Hosston sandstone formation--observations of autoclave water-rock interaction experiments: Applied Geochemistry, v. 84, p. 26-40,
Lu, J., Mickler, P., Nicot, J.-P., Choi, W., Esch, W. L., and Darvari, R., 2017, Geochemical interactions of shale and brine in autoclave experiments—understanding mineral reactions during hydraulic fracturing of Marcellus and Eagle Ford Shales: AAPG Bulletin, v. 101, no. 10, p. 1567-1597,
Lucia, F. J., 2017, Observations on the origin of micrite crystals: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 86, p. 823-833,
Luo, G., Hudec, M. R., Flemings, P. B., and Nikolinakou, M. A., 2017, Deformation, stress, and pore pressure in an evolving suprasalt basin: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 122, no. 7, p. 5663–5690,
Malkowski, M. A., Schwartz, T. M., Sharman, G., Sickmann, Z. T., and Graham, S. A., 2017, Stratigraphic and provenance variations in the early evolution of the Magallanes-Austral foreland basin: implications for the role of longitudinal vs. transverse sediment dispersal during oblique arc-continent collision: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 129, no. 3/4, p. 349-371,
Malkowski, M. A., Sharman, G., Graham, S. A., and Fildani, A., 2017, Characterisation and diachronous initiation of coarse clastic deposition in the Magallanes-Austral foreland basin, Patagonian Andes: Basin Research, v. 29, no. S1, p. 298-326,
Maloney, K. O., Baruch-Mordo, S., Patterson, L. A., Nicot, J.-P., Entrekin, S. A., Fargione, J. E., Kiesecker, J. M., Konschnik, K. E., Ryan, J. N., Trainor, A. M., Saiers, J. E., and Wiseman, H. J., 2017, Unconventional oil and gas spills: materials, volumes, and risks to surface waters in four states of the U.S.: Science of the Total Environment, v. 581–582, p. 369–377,
Mao, Y., Zeidouni, M., and Duncan, I. J., 2017, Temperature analysis for early detection and rate estimation of CO2 wellbore leakage: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, v. 67, p. 20-30,
McNeill, L. C., Dugan, B., Backman, J., Pickering, K. T., Pouderoux, H. F. A., Henstock, T. J., Petronotis, K., Carter, A., Chemale, F., Milliken, K., and 25 additional co-authors, 2017, Understanding Himalayan erosion and the significance of the Nicobar Fan: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 475, p. 134-142,
Meckel, T. A., and Rhatigan, J.-L. T., 2017, Chapter 2: Implications of Miocene petroleum systems for geologic CO2 sequestration beneath Texas offshore lands, in Trevino, R. H., and Meckel, T. A., eds., Geological CO2 sequestration atlas for Miocene strata offshore Texas state waters: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 283, p. 7-13,
Meckel, T. A., Nicholson, A. J., and Treviño, R. H., 2017, Chapter 4: Capillary aspects of fault-seal capacity for CO2 storage, lower Miocene, Texas Gulf of Mexico, in Treviño, R. H., and Meckel, T. A., eds., Geological CO2 sequestration atlas for Miocene strata, offshore Texas state waters: Austin, Texas, The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Report of Investigations, no. 283, p. 26-35,
Meckel, T. A., Trevisan, L., and Krishnamurthy, P. G., 2017, A method to generate small-scale, high-resolution sedimentary bedform architecture models representing realistic geologic facies: Scientific Reports, v. 7, no. 9238, 9 p.,
Mehrabi, M., Javadpour, F., and Sepehrnoori, K., 2017, Analytical analysis of gas diffusion into non-circular pores of shale organic matter: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 819, p. 656-677,
Merzlikin, D., and Fomel, S., 2017, Analytical path-summation imaging of seismic diffractions: Geophysics, v. 82, no. 1, p. S51-S59,
Milliken, K., and Olson, T., 2017, Silica diagenesis, porosity evolution, and mechanical behavior in siliceous mudstones, Mowry Shale (Cretaceous), Rocky Mountains, U.S.A.: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 87, p. 366-387,
Milliken, K., Shen, Y., Ko, L. T., and Liang, Q., 2017, Grain composition and diagenesis of organic-rich lacustrine tarls,Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China: Interpretation, v. 5, no. 2, p. SF189-SF210,
Moghadam, M. H., Nikolinakou, M. A., Flemings, P. B., and Hudec, M. R., 2017, A simplified stress analysis of rising salt domes: Basin Research, v. 29, no. 3, p. 363-376,
Newell, P., Martinez, M. J., and Eichhubl, P., 2017, Impact of layer thickness and well orientation on caprock integrity for geologic carbon storage: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 155, p. 100-108,
Nicot, J.-P., Larson, T., Darvari, R., Mickler, P., Slotten, M., Aldridge, J., Uhlman, K., and Costley, R., 2017, Controls on methane occurrences in shallow aquifers overlying the Haynesville Shale gas field, East Texas: Groundwater, v. 55, no. 4, p. 443–454,
Nicot, J.-P., Larson, T., Darvari, R., Mickler, P., Uhlman, K., and Costley, R., 2017, Controls on methane occurrences in aquifers overlying the Eagle Ford Shale play, South Texas: Groundwater, v. 55, no. 4, p. 455–468,
Nicot, J.-P., Mickler, P., Larson, T., Castro, M. C., Darvari, R., Uhlman, K., and Costley, R., 2017, Methane occurrences in aquifers overlying the Barnett Shale play with a focus on Parker County, Texas: Groundwater, v. 55, no. 4, p. 469–481,
Nikolinakou, M. A., Heidari, M., Hudec, M. R., and Flemings, P. B., 2017, Initiation and growth of salt diapirs in tectonically stable settings: upbuilding and megaflaps: AAPG Bulletin, v. 101, no. 6, p. 887-905,
O'Neill, L. C., Elliott, B. A., and Kyle, J. R., 2017, Mineralogy and crystallization history of a highly differentiated REE-enriched hypabyssal rhyolite: Round Top laccolith, Trans-Pecos, Texas: Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 111, no. 4, p. 569-592,
Ogiesoba, O. C., 2017, Application of thin-bed indicator and sweetness attribute in the evaluation of sediment composition and depositional geometry in coast-perpendicular subbasins, South Texas Gulf Coast: Interpretation, v. 5, no. 1, p. T87-T105,
Ogiesoba, O. C., and Klokov, A., 2017, Examples of seismic diffraction imaging from the Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale, Maverick Basin, South Texas: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 157, p. 248-263,
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