Detecting buried paleosols in Quaternary coastal-plain strata using geophysical logs: J. G. Paine, presenter; presented at 30th Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Denver, Colorado, March 21, 2017.
Determining bay shoreline movement and retreat susceptibility using airborne lidar: J. G. Paine, presenter, presented at Texas General Land Office, Austin, Texas, December 14, 2016.
What lidar and geophysics are telling us about the geology of Powderhorn Ranch, central Texas coast: J. G. Paine, presenter, presented at Texas Mining and Reclamation Association Annual Meeting, Bastrop, Texas, October 30, 2016.
Measurement and Characterization of Bay Shorelines on the Central Texas Coast: T. L. Caudle presenter; 2016 ASBPA National Coastal Conference, Long Branch, New Jersey, October 28, 2016
Lithological and morphological framework of Pleistocene barrier islands and underlying strata from surface and borehole geophysics and airborne lidar in the Matagorda embayment: J. G. Paine, presenter, presented at 66th Annual Convention, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies and Gulf Coast Section of SEPM, Corpus Christi, Texas, September 20, 2016.
Topographic and bathymetric lidar applications in coastal research at the Bureau of Economic Geology: J. R. Andrews, presenter; presented at 66th Annual Convention, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies and Gulf Coast Section of SEPM, Corpus Christi, Texas, September 2016.
Lithological and morphological framework of Pleistocene barrier islands from surface and borehole geophysics and airborne lidar on the Texas coastal plain: J. G. Paine, presenter, presented at 29th Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Denver, Colorado, March 23, 2016.
Beach and Dune Analysis Using Chiroptera Imaging System, South Padre and Brazos Islands, Texas Gulf Coast: T. L. Caudle, presenter, presented at the Texas Beaches and Dunes: Science and Management Forum, Corpus Christi, Texas, September 24, 2015.
Monitoring the Texas Gulf shoreline: recent shoreline movement and volumetric patterns from repeat airborne lidar surveys: J. G. Paine, presenter, presented at Texas Beaches and Dunes: Science and Management Forum, Corpus Christi, Texas, September 24, 2015.
Airborne lidar and near-surface geophysics: a new approach to discriminating Quaternary depositional units on the Texas Coastal Plain: J. G. Paine, presenter, presented at 65th Annual Convention, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies and Gulf Coast Section SEPM, Houston, Texas, September 22, 2015.
Airborne lidar and near-surface geophysics: a new approach to discriminating Quaternary depositional units on the Texas Coastal Plain: J. G. Paine, presenter, 28th Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Austin, Texas, March 25, 2015.
Historical and recent shoreline change, Texas Gulf Coast: rates, contributing causes, and postglacial context: J. G. Paine, presenter, National Park Service, U. S. Department of Interior, Port Aransas, Texas, February 25, 2015.
Historical to recent Texas Gulf shoreline movement and its postglacial context: J. G. Paine, presenter; Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, October 21, 2014.
Shoreline movement along the Texas Gulf coast, 1930's to 2012 J. G. Paine, presenter; General Land Office, Austin, Texas, August 26, 2014
Monitoring coastal change and vulnerability using airborne lidar, Texas Gulf Coast J. G. Paine, presenter; Nueces County Dune Protection Committee, Corpus Christi, Texas, May 27, 2014
Multiplatform Mangrove Mapping in the Coastal Bend, Texas Gulf Coast T. A. Tremblay, presenter; Texas Bays & Estuaries Meeting, Port Aransas, Texas, April 23-24, 2014
Texas Student Involvement in Coastal Monitoring Studies T. L. Caudle presenter; 2013 ASBPA National Coastal Conference, South Padre Island, Texas, October 24, 2013 (PDF)
Tracking Shoreline and Geomorphic-Unit Change on South Padre Island, Texas Using Chiroptera Mapping System T. L. Caudle presenter; 2013 ASBPA National Coastal Conference, South Padre Island, Texas, October 24, 2013
Historical and short-term shoreline change, Texas Gulf coast: rates, contributing causes, and postglacial context J. G. Paine, presenter; 2013 ASBPA National Coastal Conference, South Padre Island, Texas, October 24, 2013. (PDF)
Airborne Lidar on the Alaskan North Slope: Wetlands mapping, lake volumes, and permafrost features J. G. Paine, presenter; Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting, Coastal Geophysics Workshop, September 27, 2013
Historical shoreline change through 2007, Texas Gulf coast: rates, contributing causes, and Postglacial context J. G. Paine, presenter; Penrose/Chapman Conference on Coastal Processes and Environments under Sea-Level Rise and Changing Climate: Science to Inform Management, Galveston, Texas, April 14–19, 2013
Determining wetlands distribution, lake depths, and topography using airborne lidar and imagery on the North Slope, Alaska J. G. Paine, presenter; 26th Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, sponsored by Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, Denver, Colorado, March 18, 2013
Historical shoreline change through 2007, Texas Gulf coast: rates, contributing causes, and Holocene context J. G. Paine, presenter; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, October 22, 2012
Geoenvironmental map of the Matagorda–Matagorda SW quadrangles, Texas Gulf Coast
T. A. Tremblay, presenter; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, October 22, 2012
Historical shoreline change through 2007, Texas Gulf coast: rates, contributing causes, and Holocene context J. G. Paine, presenter; Texas Mining and Reclamation Association Annual Meeting, Bastrop, Texas, October 21, 2012
Pre-College Student Involvement in Texas Coastal Research Tiffany Caudle, presenter; Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, Austin, Texas, October 2012
Geoenvironmental map of the Matagorda-Matagorda SW quadrangles, Texas Gulf Coast, Thomas Tremblay, presenter; 62nd Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Conference, Austin, Texas, October 2012
Annual to decadal morphodynamics of the beach-foredune system along the Texas upper coast S. Mathew, presenter; Association of American of Geographers Annual Meeting, New York, February 2012
Geophysics applied to environmental and geohazard issues J. G. Paine, presenter; Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Austin, Texas, October 5, 2010
3D-morphological change analysis using multi-temporal lidar and digital photogrammetric data along Bolivar Peninsula S. Mathew, presenter; Texas Coastal Conference, Galveston, Texas, 2009
Stream-axis EM from a helicopter: identifying salinity sources in a large river basin, J. G. Paine, presenter; 14th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Houston, Texas, November 2007
Stream-axis EM from a helicopter: identifying salinity sources in a large river basin, J. G. Paine, presenter; EAGE 69th Conference & Exhibition. London, UK, June 2007
Visualizing the Texas coast T. Hepner, presenter; The Geospatial Technology Conference for Coastal Professionals, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, March 2007
Galveston Island Geohazards Map [Powerpoint] City of Galveston March 8, 2007
Impacts of Sea-level Rise, Erosion, Storms, and Development on the Barrier Islands of the Upper Texas Coast [Powerpoint] Coastal Bend Bays Foundation February 12, 2007
2006 Streambed induction logs: an airborne approach to identifying salinity sources and quantifying salinity loads J. G. Paine, presenter; Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Seattle, Washington, April 2006
Changes in Barrier Island Environments during Sea-Level Rise [Powerpoint] Texas A&M Sigma Xi Symposium, March 30, 2006|
Identifying salinity sources and quantifying salinity loads along two Texas streams using stream-axis airborne EM and focused hydrochemistry J. G. Paine, presenter; Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, December 2005
Combining airborne EM and surface-water analyses to identify natural and oil-field salinity sources that degrade water quality in two Texas streams J. G. Paine, presenter; Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 2005
Geological Survey of the Gulf Shoreline Following Hurricane Rita [Powerpoint] Second Annual Texas Coastal Law Conference, Galveston, May 18, 2006
Combining EM and lidar to map coastal wetlands: an example from Mustang Island, J. G. Paine, presenter; Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Atlanta, Georgia, April 2005
Topographic Variations of Barrier Island Wetlands: Implications for Modeling Change During Rising Relative Sea Level [Powerpoint] Texas General Land Office Coastal Issues Conference, Corpus Christi, March 10-12, 2004
The Texas Shoreline Change Project: Combining Lidar, Historical Photography, and Ground Surveys to Measure Shoreline Change Rates Along Bay and Gulf Shorelines [Powerpoint]Texas General Land Office Coastal Issues Conference, Corpus Christi, March 10-12, 2004
Status and Trends of Wetlands and Aquatic Habitats on Texas Barrier Islands [Powerpoint] Texas General Land Office Coastal Issues Conference, Corpus Christi, March 10-12, 2004
Preliminary Analysis of Wetlands Status and Trends on Galveston Island [Powerpoint] Texas General Land Office Coastal Issues Conference, Corpus Christi, March 10-12, 2004
Texas Tidal Inlets Project: Depositional Environments and Morphodynamics of San Luis Pass (PowerPoint)Texas Coastal Erosion Technical Conference 2003, Galveston, Texas, September 24–26, 2003
Using Airborne Lidar to Assess Coastal Environments (PowerPoint)Texas Coastal Erosion Technical Conference 2003, Galveston, Texas, September 24–26, 2003
Geotubes for Temporary Erosion Control and Storm-Surge Protection Along the Gulf of Mexico Shoreline of Texas (Poster in PDF format) LIDAR Surveys for Coastal Hazards and Resource Mapping (Workshop outline PDF) with links to PowerPoint presentations) Coastal Zone 2003 Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, July 14, 2003
The Texas Shoreline Change Project: Combining Lidar, Historical Photography, and Ground Surveys to Measure Shoreline Change Rates along Bay and Gulf of Mexico Shorelines (PowerPoint)
Coastal GeoTools Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, January 6–9, 2003
Threshold Conditions for Episodic Beach Erosion along the Southeast Texas Coast (PowerPoint) GCAGS Annual Meeting, Austin, October 31–November 1, 2002
Geotubes Along the Upper Coast: Initial Analysis (PowerPoint) Executive Committee Special Meeting of the Coastal Coordination Council, January 29, 2002
Geotubes Along the Upper Coast: Preliminary Observations (PowerPoint)
Executive Committee Special Meeting of the Coastal Coordination Council, November 12, 2001