Working Papers, Presentations, and Publications
Working Papers
Lin, N., Permian Basin Oil and Gas Infrastructure Needs and Grid Integration
Lin, N., and Brooks, R., The True Cost of "Freedom Gas"—Emission Impact of US LNG Exports
Lin, N., and Brooks, R., The World After Tomorrow—Role of LNG Pricing and Strategy in Deep Energy Transition
Lin, N., and Chen, Y., Become a Serial Winner: How to Replicate the H2-Vision Project in The Netherlands to Elsewhere in the World?
Lin, N., and Chen, Y., True Cost to Market for Blue Hydrogen Technology for Europe vs. North America
Ning Lin, The Future of Unconventional Natural Gas Resources, A New Path Forward [PDF]
Ning Lin, No Fool's Choice: How Unconventional Shale Development Fit into a Sustainable Energy Future for Emerging Economies, U.S. Association for Energy Economics 2019 conference, Denver, Colorado [PDF]
Ning Lin, Permian Goes Global—How to leverage USA LNG in a changing global market? LNG USA Summit, Houston, Texas, February 2020 [PDF]
A Study: Opportunities and Risks in Global Unconventional Resources [PDF]
Legacy CEE papers and presentations from 2005–2017 [link]