Bureau Hosts Education Conference

January 23, 2020
Great Places

Great Places to View Texas Geology features locations to view the geologic wonders of Texas

On January 10, the Bureau of Economic Geology hosted the Texas Environmental Education Advisory Committee (TEEAC) Annual Providers’ Meeting. Attendees included approximately 80 representatives from museums, universities, state agencies, zoos, and nature centers across Texas. TEEAC Providers assist the Texas Education Agency (TEA) by offering workshops for teachers and experiences for students that correlate with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills standards. These workshops include hands-on laboratory and field experiences. The meeting was organized by TEEAC Chair Kiki Corry of Texas Parks and Wildlife and Statewide Science Coordinator Irene Pickhardt of the TEA Curriculum Division.

Bureau Information Geologist Linda Ruiz McCall welcomed the group and congratulated them on the critical role they play in educating students, teachers, and families about natural resources and good stewardship practices. Mark Blount, Bureau External Affairs lead, spoke to the group about the Bureau’s newest public outreach publication, Great Places to View Texas Geology, which features outdoor locations to view the geologic wonders of Texas. Several TEA members, including Luis Salinas, Monica Brewer, Viviana Lopez, Joe Cisneros, and Kim Brannan, provided updates on the latest TEA initiatives. The attendees left with information and a network of contacts useful for their future work.

TEEAC Meeting

Irene Pickhardt, statewide science coordinator of the TEA Curriculum Division (image right), addresses TEEAC  meeting attendees.
On the front page: Viviana Lopez addresses the TEEAC meeting.


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