Permian Basin Play Analysis
Application and Transfer of Advanced Geological and Engineering Technologies for Incremental Production Opportunities
Shirley P. Dutton and Eugene M. Kim, co-principal investigators; Caroline L. Breton
Researchers at the Bureau of Economic Geology and the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources have completed a Department of Energy (DOE) research initiative titled "Play Analysis and Digital Portfolio of Major Oil Reservoirs in the Permian Basin: Application and Transfer of Advanced Geological and Engineering Technologies for Incremental Production Opportunities," which was designed to increase reserves and improve recovery of oil from existing reservoirs in the basin. This project was part of DOE's Identification and Demonstration of Preferred Upstream Management Practices (PUMP II) for the Oil Industry program.
The target of this study was the Permian Basin of West Texas and southeast New Mexico, which, containing 29% of estimated future oil reserve growth (Root and others, 1995), has the biggest potential for additional oil production in the country. Workers on the project (1) developed an up-to-date portfolio of oil plays in the Permian Basin of West Texas and southeast New Mexico, (2) studied key reservoirs from some of the largest or most active plays to incorporate information on improved practices in reservoir development in the portfolio, and (3) submitted a Final report to DOE.
Workers on the play portfolio grouped into plays all 1,339 reservoirs in the Permian Basin having a cumulative oil production greater than 1 million barrels and summarized key reservoir characteristics and preferred management practices of each play.
The project updates and expands the information in the pioneering volume Atlas of Major Texas Oil Reservoirs (Galloway and others, 1983), which included only reservoirs in the Texas part of the Permian Basin that had produced more than 10 million barrels of oil.
The Final report (pdf format) to DOE has been posted on this web page, as well as the reservoir database (Excel format) and PDF versions of the play maps in the completed study below. The report was published as BEG Report of Investigations No. 271 on a CD-ROM containing the database of reservoirs within each play, maps in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) format showing play outlines and reservoir locations, and summary information on reservoir heterogeneity and development practices (Dutton and others, 2005).
Dutton, S. P., Kim, E. M., Broadhead, R. F., Breton, C. L., Raatz, W. D., Ruppel, S. C., and Kerans, C., 2005, Play analysis and digital portfolio of major oil reservoirs in the Permian Basin: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 271, 287 p., CD-ROM.
Galloway, W. E., Ewing, T. E., Garrett, C. M., Jr., Tyler, Noel, and Bebout, D. G., 1983, Atlas of major Texas oil reservoirs: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Special Publication, 139 p.
Root, D. H., Attanasi, E. D., Mast, R. F., and Gautier, D. L., 1995, Estimates of inferred reserves for the 1995 USGS National Oil and Gas Resource Assessment, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-75L, 29 p.
Contact Dr. Shirley P. Dutton at 512-471-0329 or e-mail her at for information.
Completed Study
Play Analysis and Digital Portfolio of Major Oil Reservoirs in the Permian Basin: Application and Transfer of Advanced Geological and Engineering Technologies for Incremental Production Opportunities
Play Maps in PDF Format (Play maps are available in GIS format in BEG Report of Investigations No. 271).
- Ellenburger Selectively Dolomitized Ramp Carbonate
- Ellenburger Karst-Modified Restricted Ramp Carbonate
- Simpson Cratonic Sandstone
- Fusselman Shallow Platform Carbonate
- Wristen Buildups and Platform Carbonate
- Devonian Thirtyone Deepwater Chert
- Devonian Thirtyone Ramp Carbonate
- Mississippian Platform Carbonate
- Northwest Shelf Strawn Patch Reef
- Northwest Shelf Upper Pennsylvanian Carbonate
- Pennsylvanian Platform Carbonate
- Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian Horseshoe Atoll Carbonate
- Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian Slope and Basinal Sandstone
- Wolfcamp Platform Carbonate
- Wolfcamp/Leonard Slope and Basinal Carbonate
- Abo Platform Carbonate
- Leonard Restricted Platform Carbonate
- Leonard Restricted Platform Carbonate, Drinkard subplay
- Leonard Restricted Platform Carbonate, Blinebry subplay
- Leonard Restricted Platform Carbonate, Tubb subplay
- Leonard Restricted Platform Carbonate, Upper Yeso subplay
- Bone Spring Basinal Sandstone and Carbonate
- Spraberry/Dean Submarine-Fan Sandstone
- Northwest Shelf San Andres Platform Carbonate
- Eastern Shelf San Andres Platform Carbonate
- San Andres Karst-Modified Platform Carbonate
- San Andres Platform Carbonate
- Upper San Andres & Grayburg Platform Mixed--Central Basin Platform Trend
- Upper San Andres & Grayburg Platform Mixed--Artesia Vacuum Trend
- San Andres/Grayburg Lowstand Carbonate
- Grayburg Platform Mixed Clastic/Carbonate
- Grayburg Platform Carbonate
- Grayburg High-Energy Platform Carbonate--Ozona Arch
- Delaware Mountain Group Basinal Sandstone
- Queen Tidal-Flat Sandstone
- Artesia Platform Sandstone