Salt-Detached Thrusting near the Eratosthenes “Seamount”, Eastern Mediterranean – Seismic Interpretation and Physical Modeling
Michael R. Hudec, Ph.D.
Research Professor
Bureau of Economic Geology
Jackson School of Geosciences
The University of Texas at Austin
We have identified four salt-detached fold-and-thrust belts near the southwest corner of the Eratosthenes carbonate bank. These belts are distinguished on the basis of the orientation and location. We interpret each fold belt to have a different genesis: a sheet-margin thrust belt, a step in the base of salt, the toe of slope, and a transpressional shear zone on the margin of the Eratosthenes bank. We tested our interpretations for fold belt origin using a physical model simulation of the region. This model reproduced all four types of fold belt in the appropriate locations.