Dr. Seyyed A. Hosseini
Research Interests
Topics related to multiphase fluid flow in porous media
B.S. Chemical Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran, 2002.
M.S. Biotechnology, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2005.
Ph.D. Petroleum Engineering, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, USA, 2008.
Professional History
Research Associate, Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, from September 2010 to present.
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Petroleum Engineering Department, Texas A&M University, from November, 2009 to August, 2010.
Reservoir Simulation Engineer, Kelkar and Associates Inc., from December 2008 to November 2009.
Research Assistant, Department of Petroleum Engineering, University of Tulsa, January 2006 to December 2008.
Selected Publications
Zahid, K., Hosseini, S. A., Nuñez López, Vanessa, and Hovorka, S. D., 2012, Characterizing CO2 storage reservoirs and shallow overburden for above-zone monitoring in Texas Gulf Coast EOR fields: Greenhouse Gases Science and Technology, v. 2, p. 460‒473.
Lu, J., Cook, P. J., Hosseini, S. A., Yang, C., Romanak, K. D., Zhang, T., Freifeld, B. M., Smyth, R. C., Zeng, H., and Hovorka, S. D., 2012, Complex fluid flow revealed by monitoring CO2 injection in a fluvial formation: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 117, B03208, doi:10.1029/2011JB008939.
Mukhopadhyay, S., Birkholzer, J. T., Nicot, J. -P., and Hosseini, S. A., 2012, A model comparison initiative for a CO2 injection field test: an introduction to Sim-SEQ: Environmental Earth Science, v. 67, p. 601‒611.
Hosseini, S. A., Mathias, S. A., and Javadpour, F., 2012, Analytical model for CO2 injection into brine aquifers containing residual CH4: Transport in Porous Media, v. 94, p. 795‒815.
Hosseini, S. A., and Nicot, J. -P., 2012, Scoping analysis of brine extraction/re-injection for enhanced CO2 storage: Greenhouse Gas Science and Technology, v. 2, p. 172‒184.
Hosseini, S. A., and Nicot, J. -P., 2012, Numerical modeling of a multiphase water‒oil‒CO2 system using a water‒CO2 system: application to the far field of a U.S. Gulf Coast reservoir: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, v. 10, p. 88‒99.
Mathias, S. A., Gluyas, J. G., Gonzalez Martinez de Miguel, G. J., and Hosseini, S. A., 2011, Role of partial miscibility on pressure buildup due to constant rate injection of CO2 into closed and open brine aquifers: Water Resources Research, v. 47, W12525, doi:10.1029/2011WR011051, 11 p.
Hosseini, S. A., and Kelkar, M., 2010, Analytical upgridding method to preserve dynamic flow behavior: SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, v. 13, no. 3, p. 473–484. doi: 10.2118/116113-PA.
Hosseini, S. A., Kang, S., and Datta-Gupta, A., 2010, Qualitative well placement and drainage volume calculations based on diffusive time of flight: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 75, p. 178–188.