Dr. Osareni C. Ogiesoba

I am interested in seismic data interpretation of sedimentary basins, with particular emphasis on exploration for hydrocarbon reservoirs. My more than 30 years of experience in this field range from processing and interpreting P-wave seismic data sets from the Niger Delta, Equatorial Guinea, and the Cameroons in West Africa; the Trenton-Black River data from Canada for hydrothermal dolomite reservoirs, and the Frio Formation in the of Gulf of Mexico, USA. My experience also include processing, extraction of velocity ratios, and interpretation of converted (P-S) seismic wave data from the Blackfoot field in Canada.
For the past six years, I have been involved in the use of seismic attributes in the evaluation of the Frio Formation, Austin Chalk, and Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas Gulf Coast. My current research is in the use of seismic diffraction image in the evaluation of unconventional hydrocarbon resource plays—establishing relationships between diffraction energy and lithology, fractures, faults, and fluid saturation. In this regard, I have interpreted data sets from the Eagle Ford Shale and Austin Chalk in South Texas, and the Bazhenov Shale and carbonates in Russia.
Research Interests
Seismic interpretation of depositional systems for petroleum reservoirs
Seismic data processing and seismic anisotropy
Multicomponent seismic data processing and velocity ratios
Seismic modeling
Seismic attributes
B.Sc. Geology, University of Benin, Nigeria, 1979.
M.Sc., DIC Geophysics, Imperial College of Science and Technology, Royal School of Mines, London, UK, 1983.
M.Sc. Applied Seismology, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2004.
Ph.D. Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University, Quebec, Canada, 2007.
Professional History
Research Assistant: Earth and Planetary Sciences Dept., McGill University, Quebec, Canada, 2004 – 2007.
Research Assistant: The Consortium for Research in Elastic Wave Exploration Seismology (CREWES), University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2001–2004.
WesternGeco, Denver, Colorado: Summer Intern, 2003.
Geophysicist: Mobil Producing Nigeria (ExxonMobil), Lagos Nigeria, October, 1980–March, 2000
Selected Publications
Ogiesoba, Osareni C. and B. Hart, 2008, Fault imaging in hydrothermal dolomite reservoirs: A case study: SEG, in review.
Ogiesoba O. C., and Stewart R. R., (2004), Prestack Vp/Vs scanning and automatic PS-to-PP time mapping using multicomponent seismic data: Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2004 Annual Convention, Calgary, Expanded Abstracts.
Ogiesoba O. C., and Stewart R. R., (2003), Vp/Vs from multicomponent seismic data and automatic PS to PP time mapping, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Dallas, Expanded Abstracts, p. 789 - 792.
Hammes, U. and O. Ogiesoba, 2008, Seismic imaging of sediment ridges in growth-faulted subbasins of the Oligocene of the South Texas Gulf Coast—are they shale, salt, or seismic artifacts? (abs): AAPG 2008 Annual Convention and Exhibition Abstracts Volume, v. 17, p. 74.
Ogiesoba, Osareni C. and B. Hart, 2008, Fault imaging in hydrothermal dolomite reservoirs: A case study: Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Development and Production Forum, Austin.
Ogiesoba O.C., and Hart B.S., (2005), Fault controlled porosity within a Trenton-Black River hydrothermal dolomite reservoir, Essex County, Southern Ontario (abs): AAPG 2005 Annual Convention and Exhibition.
Selected Awards
Howard Scholarship for the 2006–2007 academic year, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
Mobil 1994 SPOT AWARD for outstanding performance: Inanga Evaluation Team.
Federal Government of Nigeria 1982 Postgraduate Scholarship Award.
Federal Government of Nigeria 1977/78 Academic Merit Award for outstanding University student: University of Benin, Nigeria.