All About Water

Clean fresh water is essential for life. The resources posted on this webpage have been developed to assist teachers and students in understanding water resources. Topics include groundwater/surface water interactions and the impact of human activity on water systems. Additional information on hydraulic fracturing and Texas State Water Planning is also included.
Groundwater Model Videos
Model overview (start at 49 seconds)
Groundwater/surface water interaction—Karst aquifer
Leaking Septic field
Leaking Underground Storage tank
Water Table changes with drought and/or excessive pumping
Curricular Resources
Earth Science Literacy Principles
Earth Science Literacy Principles—Big Idea 5—Earth is the Water Planet Video
Earth Science Literacy Principles—Big Idea 9—Humans Change Earth Video
Water Exploration
Water Pressure Experiment
Raising Your Water IQ
Informational Resources
Texas State Water Plan
Geological Society of America—Critical Issues paper on Hydraulic Fracturing
Environmental Impact of Fracking
What, how, and why of hydraulic fracturing