GeoH2 and TCCS Researchers Introduce Innovative Project at Devine Test Site
A team of Bureau of Economic Geology researchers and graduate students welcomed a large number of partners and potential partners recently at the organization’s Devine Test Site just southwest of San Antonio. The GeoH2 research consortium and the Texas Consortium for Computational Seismology (TCCS) hosted the event to announce an ambitious and groundbreaking project exploring hydrogen storage, and to showcase an extensive and cutting-edge seismic survey of the Site.
Bureau Interim Director and GeoH2 principal investigator Mark Shuster kicked off the event with an overview of the pioneering hydrogen storage initiative. Bureau Research Professor Andrey Bakulin detailed the innovative design of two new instrumented wells featuring permanent fiber-optic and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) instrumentation, and the state-of-the-art monitoring strategies shaping this pivotal effort.
Renowned Canadian geophysical data company Explor, led by Allan Châtenay, showcased Ultra High-Density 3D (UHD3D) seismic acquisition, deploying a remarkable 7.5 x 7.5 meter grid of nodes powered by a 67,000 lb. vibroseis truck. Borehole Seismic, LLC, guided by Collin Strauss, provided an in-depth overview of concurrent 3D Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) in the Test Site’s existing Well #9, demonstrating the precision of their multi-level 3D array.
A fantastic turnout, excellent weather, and an exceptional preview of the Bureau’s hydrogen storage test made for an unforgettable day!
The Bureau’s Devine Test Site is available to conduct future scientific experiments using our existing test wells. More details are available at: