Bureau Publication Awards Honor 2021 and 2022 Best Authors
The Bureau of Economic Geology annually recognizes its most notable publication authors, and the Bureau community recently gathered once again to honor those vital published researchers. Publications are the organization’s major product and help to share the new knowledge and breakthrough concepts that researchers have worked so diligently to uncover. With COVID precautions still in place last year, the Bureau skipped a formal event to recognize its authors, so this year’s gathering paid tribute to authors from both years.
In 2021, 42 Bureau authors produced 114 peer-reviewed publications, and that number increased to 127 publications from 38 authors in 2022. Sixty-nine of the 2021 publications were from Bureau first authors while 64 of the 2022 publications were first authored. Senior Research Scientist Bob Loucks led with the most times honored in both years, and Senior Research Scientist Sergey Fomel had the most student first authored papers in both 2021 and 2022. Program Coordinator Nancy Cottington was also recognized for her exemplary contribution to scientific illustration in the 2021 Bureau publication “Principles of Shortening in Salt Basins Containing Isolated Minibasins,” by Oliver Duffy, Tim Dooley, Michael Hudec, Juan Soto, and coauthors.
The Tinker Family BEG Publication Award is given annually at the event in recognition of an exemplary publication of demonstrated or expected scientific or economic impact, or that otherwise increases the visibility of the Bureau scientific community. Last year’s winner of the Tinker Family BEG Publication Award, “for uncovering overlooked but universal processes in river meandering using open and reproducible science,” was Zoltán Sylvester and coauthors for “Autogenic Translation and Counter Point Bar Deposition in Meandering Rivers,” published in Geological Society of America Bulletin.
This year’s winners of the Tinker Family BEG Publication Award, “for a timely contribution to our understanding of regional pore pressure buildup in response to large-volume water disposal in the Delaware Basin,” were the Bureau’s Jun Ge and coauthors, J-P Nicot, Peter Hennings, Katie Smye, Seyyed Hosseini, and Caroline Breton, for “Recent Water Disposal and Pore Pressure Evolution in the Delaware Mountain Group, Delaware Basin, Southeast New Mexico and West Texas, USA,” published in Regional Studies.
For more information about the research publications and the prolific authors of the Bureau of Economic Geology, please see: https://www.beg.utexas.edu/publications/peer-reviewed-publications/2023.