TexNet-CISR’s Progress on Understanding Earthquakes in Texas – the Geologic Perspective

April 24, 2020 9:00 AM


Dr. Peter Hennings
Principal Investigator and Lecturer
Center for Integrated Seismicity Research


The TexNet seismic monitoring network is in its 4th year of collecting high-quality data on earthquakes in Texas and the TexNet-CISR public-private research collaboration that studies these earthquakes is in its 5th year. The goal of this presentation is to provide synopses of research progress made during this time to understand the nature and causes of the anomalous earthquakes, focusing primarily on the integrated geologic aspects, and a summary of the program’s future research plans. All of the areas in Texas that have experienced anomalous earthquakes will be discussed to some degree but the Ft. Worth the Delaware Basins will be emphasized.

Peter Hennings

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