Bureau Reveals the World of Geology at Explore UT

March 24, 2017
Explore UT

Luca Trevisan (lower right) and Jacob Anderson (upper right) explaining carbon capture to Explore UT visitors.

Front page: At left: Naiara Fernandez, Jacob Anderson, Sue Hovorka, and Emily Beckham guiding Explore UT children in science experiments.

On Saturday, March 5, Bureau staff members and volunteers participated in the annual Explore UT campus-wide open house. Explore UT is designed to broaden the horizons of students in Texas and to motivate them toward pursuing further education after high school.

Senior Research Scientist Sue Hovorka led the “What to Do with CO2: Cures for the Feverish Earth” activity which invites visitors to investigate how carbon dioxide emissions can be captured and stored through geologic sequestration. Volunteers Emily Beckham, Jacob Anderson, Naiara Fernandez, and Luca Trevisan enthusiastically engaged visitors in experimenting with fire and ice to learn about carbon capture.

Research Scientists Dallas Dunlap and John Andrews treated many children, teachers, and parents to “Exploring Earth’s Natural Energy Resources with 3D Visualization.” Attendees learned how 3D technology and complex remote-sensing data sets allow geoscientists to harness energy sources while gaining greater understanding of our amazing planet.

Explore UT

Dallas Dunlap (far right, standing) and John Andrews (third row center, seated) preparing to show visitors a 3D presentation about energy resource exploration.

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