Bureau Research Symposium Showcases Breadth of Research

October 5, 2023
Research Symposium 1

Bureau Director Scott Tinker (at right in the foreground) discusses a poster with researcher Bob Loucks.

In most large organizations, functional groups can become “siloed,” with the members of one group unaware of the work and objectives of another. However, the Bureau of Economic Geology does a tremendous job of integrating the activities of its geoscientists, engineers, and research consortia toward common research goals.

In an effort to promote cross-functional awareness and cooperation, each fall the organization hosts the Bureau Research Symposium, an event where all researchers are invited to share their research with their colleagues through poster displays and brief presentations (or “nano talks”).

The Bureau Research Symposium was recently held and featured a broad range of research posters and some truly informative talks. Twenty-five posters were presented, and researchers gave eight nano talks. The event was very well attended by the Bureau community as well as by Jackson School Dean Claudia Mora, new Associate Dean of Research Michael Young, and by Bureau of Economic Geology Director Scott Tinker and all of the other Bureau Directors.  

Participants were asked to vote on which poster and talk each felt was the best. Voted as Best Poster was “Basinwide Subsurface Stratigraphic Architecture and Wireline Facies Distribution of Leonardian Strata, Midland Basin, West Texas,” by David Carr, Bill Ambrose, and Scott Hamlin. The Best Nano Talk was “CCS Developments in the Texas State Waters—Recent GLO Leasing and DOE-Funded Research,” presented by Tip Meckel.

The event was successfully organized by Information Geologist Linda Ruiz McCall, with support from Bureau staff members Cindy Kralis, Stephanie Huntzis, Jason Suarez, Francine Mastrangelo, Evan O’Donnell, Carson Werner, Lucy Phlegar, Chuck Garza, Michael Wang, Roanne Draker, Kenneth Edwards, and Kim LaValley.

Research Symposium 2

Bureau researchers Priyanka Periwal, Bob Loucks, and Harold Rogers (from right, respectively) discuss a poster at the symposium.

Research Symposium 3

Information Geologist Linda Ruiz McCall thanks researchers and staff who worked to make the symposium a success.

Research Symposium 4

Priyanka Periwal, Robin Dommisse, and another symposium attendee (from right, respectively) enjoy geoscience in virtual reality.


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