- Scanlon, B., Reedy, R., Xu, P., Engle, M., Nicot, J.P., Yoxtheimer, D., Yang, Q., Ikonnikova, S., 2020, Can we beneficially reuse produced water from oil and gas extraction in the U.S.? Science of The Total Environment, Vol. 717 (137085),
- Scanlon, B., Ikonnikova, S., Yang, Q., Reedy, R., 2020, Will Water Issues Constrain Oil and Gas Production in the U.S.? Environmental Science & Technology,
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- Liu, W., Ikonnikova, S.A., Pyrcz, M., Hamlin, S., Sivila, L., 2019, Spatial Sampling Bias in Decision Tree Machine Learning Method for Unconventional Resources, Proc. of 2019 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas
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- Rostami, A., Jagadisan, A., Hernandez L. M., Heidari, Z., Fairhurst, B., Yurchenko, I., Ikonnikova S., and Hamlin, S. H., 2019, Advanced Simultaneous Formation Evaluation and Completion-Oriented Rock Classification in the Midland Basin Using Integrated Analysis of Well Logs, Core Measurements, and Geostatistical Data: Unconventional Resources Technology Conference. doi:10.15530/urtec-2019-656
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- Ikonnikova, S., Reedy, R. C., Hamlin, H. S., Lemons, C. R., and Scanlon, B. R., 2018, Evaluating cumulative water risks from shale oil production: Permian Basin case study, Proc. of AGU Fall meeting 2018, Washington, DC, H21I-1754
- Ikonnikova, S., Smye, K., Browning, J., Dommisse, R., Gülen, G., Hamlin, S., Tinker, S. W., Male, F., McDaid, G., Vankov, E., 2018, Report on Update and Enhancement of Shale Gas Outlooks, DOE Technical Report,
- Wolaver, B.D., Pierre J.P., Ikonnikova, S.A., Andrews, J.R., McDaid, G., Ryberg, W.A., Hibbitts, T.J., Duran, C.M., Labay, B.J., LaDuc, T.J., 2018, An Improved Approach for Forecasting Ecological Impacts from Future Drilling in Unconventional Shale Oil and Gas Plays, Environmental Management, vol. 62(2), pp. 323-333.