Platform-Margin, Slope, and Basinal Carbonate Depositional Environments
Robert G. Loucks, Charles Kerans, and Xavier Janson
Bureau of Economic Geology
Design Objectives
References and Credits


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Scholle, P. A., M. A. Arthur, and A. A. Ekdale, 1983 Pelagic environment, in Scholle, P. A., D. G. Bebout, and C. H. Moore, (eds.), Carbonate Depositional Environments: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 33, p. 620-691.

Content and materials provided by authors Robert G. Loucks, Charles Kerans, and Xavier Janson. Special assistance and additional materials were provided by Ursula Hammes and Patricia Montoya, both of the Bureau of Economic Geology. This educational module was was created by the Bureau of Economic Geology under the direction of Scott Rodgers, Program Manager, Media Technologies. Flash graphics and programming, as well as other computer graphics, were provided by Paula Beard of the BEG Graphics Department. Interactive applet programming by Eric Jansson.
Special thanks to AGI and AAPG, whose support and input have made these instructional modules possible.


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